martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

DISQUS, unos posts y definiciones

Hay una página en inglés donde me preguntan muchas cosas, no sé cómo fui a dar allí, tal vez fue idea de mi representante, o de un amigo, no soy dada a la publicidad, pero es interesante lo que preguntan los amantes del arte. Siempre hay interés en que uno defina su estilo, lo que es bien difícil, para mí mi estilo es la obra acabada, lo que transmite, pero a veces me da por definir... Unos dicen que soy expresionista, otros que soy mixta, realismo y abstracción, en realidad soy yo.

Para Disqus dije esto:

“Realismo Fantástico es el estilo de pintura que caracteriza la obra que realizo, con elementos abstractos y espontáneos. Voy construyendo con pinceladas,veladuras y efectos a capricho de los propios materiales que utilizo y de manera intuitiva van surgiendo las formas y colores deseados”.

“Realism Fantastic Realism is the painting style that characterizes my work, with abstract and spontaneous elements. I build the images and expression with touches, glazes and effects at the whim of the materials themselves that I use and intuitively are emerging desired shapes and colors”.


Conocedores de una pregunta: ¿Cómo definir el estilo de Adela y su tema de la técnica? Moderno, tradicional o único? Consejo: Es una artista mexicana que pinta sin premeditación.

Connoisseurs a question: How to define the Adela's  style  and her technique theme? Modern, traditional or unique? Tip: She is a Mexican artist who paints without premeditation.

Doodles, mainly illusions, are a formal way of expressing art as reflects the history of art.

I tend to be a fan of many styles of art. Very rarely do I fall in love with an entire body of work from one artist. That being said I really enjoyed the first two you shared which surprised me. I like abstract art greatly but don't typically feel moved by cubist type work and lean more to the softer side 

This is quite exquisite. =P Thnx for the Invite!

"Realism Fantastic Realism is the painting
style that characterizes my wokt, with abstract and spontaneous elements. I
build the images and expression with touches, glazes and effects at the whim of
the materials themselves that I use and intuitively are emerging desired shapes
and colors", told me Adelle about her works. What do you think about?

"I found a new mode of art in Mexico, Tapatio or Guadalajara art, which is being expressed with mixed style. It is important style or art itself. There are differences between European art , the US Pop revival and the new Mexican art, the latter is more modern. Are you agree? LATIN AMERICA ART OR EUROPE ART? I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOUR THINKING ABOUT? Abstraction or any style as a resource, mixed style, expressive freedom, art uses all for a inspired creation". 
Comment by A.Rams, Art historian

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